This Culture Club Lead Singer Looks Transformed Thanks to His Raw Food Craze.
Boy George has been in the pop culture lime light since 1981.
He has surely had his bouts with misfortune. According to the DailyMail,
The madness of Boy George – the drugs, the public spats, the prison sentence – threatened to finish off the Eighties icon. Here, he reveals how he’s finally cleaned up his act, taken up boxing and got Culture Club back together (again)
You could once see the wear and tear of this kind of life on his face.
But look at him now.
Now a raw vegan and feeling great he says.
BonAppetit in an interview with Boy George asked him what did he eat today. He replied:
Today I’m having a juicing day so I had a liter of greens basically. Cucumber, spinach, parsley, lemon, and apple. Last night I made some almond milk which I had [this morning] with lucuma powder, a probiotic, and blueberries with a couple of mature dates to kinda sweeten it. In the morning, raw foodists don’t normally have breakfast. We have a lot of fluids. So I make all these different drinks which are quite strengthening.
The miraculous transformation that a raw food diet can have on the body is evident and very real in many people’s lives. Even though the raw food diet debate continues, there is no denying that Boy George has experienced a huge health benefit from going raw.
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