The 7 Things I Did To Lose 220 Pounds Without Dieting

Do You See Where He Photoshopped These Before & After Photos?

The man in this photo claims that he lost 220 pounds without dieting. This is his before and after photos.

His name…

Jon Gabriel.

I see peoples’ comments questioning the validity of this photo accusing Jon of photoshopping it.

So I searched the net and found this video for you to determine for yourself if Jon is for real and if his claims are for real.

This is his big claim:

The 7 Things I Did To Lose 220 Pounds Without Dieting

1. I stopped dieting and started nourishing my body.

2. I healed my digestion.

3. I got a CPAP machine for my sleep apnea.

4. I started using mind-body practices to reduce stress.

5. I created a much more sustainable life.

6. I worked through some important emotional issues.

7. I detoxified my body.

Watch this video to meet Jon Gabriel and hear and see for yourself his before and after transformation which he claims:



As I watched this video and listened to the testimonials, whether he photoshopped the above image was no longer a significant matter.

The significance in what Jon is sharing stands out from any dieting program out there. Jon tapped into his mind-body connection to manifest his results.

It is my belief that root causes lie within and the effects of those causes we see on the outside.

I believe Jon and those who also tap into their mind-body connection and correct the disconnect and dysfunction will see any positive results that they are intending to manifest.

…CAVEAT: It doesn’t happen overnight.

Even if he did photoshop the photo to make it look a little more awe inspiring …a shade of color darker here or lighter there, he didn’t have to.

(I don’t think he did.)

What’s important to notice is that the mind-body connection correction has produced for him and for others these amazing weight loss results without dieting. It will cause you to change your lifestyle not just what you eat.

(Source: )

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