This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Consume Okra

Okra Does Not Have To Be Some Repulsive Tasting Slime That You Hated Since You Were A Child.

When I was a child, I hated the slimy, mushy vegetable my Mom told me was called “okry.”

Now that I am grown, I have acquired a taste for it because now I know better.

This is what I now know about “okry.”

  1. The name is not called “okry.” It’s actually called “okra.”
  2. Okra is not a vegetable, it’s a fruit.
  3. If okra tastes slimy and mushy that means the cook cooked it too long. (Mom was a good cook though just not when it came to “okry.”)
  4. It tastes pretty good raw.
  5. It is a prolific grower in the garden. It reproduces so fast that you can’t hardly keep up with the daily harvest of it.
  6. It comes at a high price being one of the more expensive produces you can buy at the store and at farmer’s markets.
  7. Most kids hate it as much as I did too when I was a kid.
  8. Many people from the South love “okry.”

I have come to understand that me and okra just really started off on the wrong foot.

There are some amazing health benefits that okra has which makes it worth adding it to your dinner plate.

This is what happens to your body when you eat okra.

Okra’s Health Benefits

  1. Because of the high amounts of soluble fiber okra contains, your body can retard the amount of glucose you absorb into your gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, okra has been long been used in alternative medicine to treat diabetes to regulate their blood sugar.
  2. This amount of dietary fiber that okra contains also makes it able to lower the body’s cholesterol levels.
  3. In in vitro lab studies, a particular substance in okra called “lectin” was shown to kill 72% of breast cancer cells.
  4. Recent new research has discovered that okra has a high concentration of mood-elevating antioxidants – phenol, flavonoids and gallic acid – which makes it work as an anti-depressant.

These health benefits that I now know about okra makes me more interested in experimenting with it in other recipes.

Cooking it whole instead of cutting it up is my preferred way of making a tasty dish with okra, although I do like it cut up in some good-tasting succotash.

I have become a fan of okra. Now even if it’s overcooked, I can still eat it and won’t feel repulsed one little bit.

What about you? Do you like okra? Did this post make you won’t to give it a try?


(Source/Image: )


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